Saturday, December 29, 2007

first post - the problem that started it all!

well, there's gotta be a first time (eh, let's not get carried away yet, not that first time), isn't it. it's taken a long long long time to take this first step.....not that i have any urge to share my deepest feelings with the whole wide web (hey, isn't this the main objective?). neither do i think this is going to be some long term affair (he! he!), just hv too much on my hands most of the time. but we'll never know.

rather, i'm using this as an experiment for something interesting for my football team (ah..that's very interesting!). u see, i've been writing most of my team's weekly match reports since good old mel broke his ankle. for wordsmith mel, its a piece of cake, creative writing being his biz. his reports never fail to raise a laugh. moi? u can't expect much clever report writing fr one who churns out numbers much better than twisting words :(

so for every problem, there's a lazy man's solution ;) why write when everyone can hv an open forum to blast off anything or anyone (now, that'll be xplosive & fun) abt each match? a hotch pot of facts, opinions, ideas, musings & the occasional profanities simmering in a nice blend of english, mandarin and dialect terms! sounds yummy? blogspot may just solve my problem. no more responsibility on my part, he! he! and all the guys can now hv a piece of the action!

now, doesn't this smacks of the corporate world we poor souls try so hard to survive in???

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